Restorative Self-Care Practices (Sundays- Recording Only)


Sundays from 4-5pm

Taught by Stacey Swerer

(Included in the Monthly Pass)

Join us for this restorative yoga class that will focus on slowing down, calming the nervous system and relieving stress from the hustle and bustle of our busy everyday lives. This soothing and quieting practice aims to call upon a deep level of relaxation and an invitation to a renewed perspective of the world around us from the inside out. Restorative postures offer a sense of being rather than doing accessing the parasympathetic nervous system of rest and digest to truly savor life to the fullest. Open to all-levels of practice and recommended props are: a blanket, block, strap, bolster and eye pillow or things around the house that will substitute for these items. 

***Preregistration is Required. Payment accepted via PayPal, credit card or Venmo (@Matthew-Dolezal-2). We will email you a Zoom link prior to class.

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